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1er mars, 17h - Conversation avec Claire, Cité internationale des Arts


samedi 1er mars à 17h

Cité International des Arts

75001 Paris

Une conversation avec Claire FILMON sur sa recherche sur le mouvement et l'écriture comme un chemin vers une présence de la pensée et de l'animalité avec le mouvement et dans l'exemple du travail de Simone Forti.

Ouvert à tous.

en anglais.


With In Situ, residency program in Cité Internationale des Arts, laureate Endi Tupja and María Inés Rodríguez, curator of the program, invite Claire Filmon to participate as speaker in the conversation series of the In Situ residency restitution, titled "هِسْسْ, Whispers of the Storm", which will take place at the Gallery Cité Internationale des Arts on 1st March 2025, 14h-19h.

At 17h it will be a conversation around Claire's research on referencing movement and writing as a way towards a somatics of feelings and presence of thought, animality and movement in the example of Forti.

The language of the event is English.

The conversation series marks the culmination of In Situ, a six-month multidisciplinary residency program exploring ecological conditions of existence in a rapidly changing world, offering a space to invent, experiment, and reflect on possible modes of action. The residency has been a time and a space for encounters, collective work and individual research, bringing together 11 artists from the fields of visual arts and performance, cinema and sound research, writing, design and architecture. During the residency, the artist group has been visited by a diverse group of guests, such as curator Filipa Ramos, art historian and critic Vivian Sky Rehberg and philosopher Emanuele Coccia to discuss topics related to ecological transitions and new modes of living. The series of talks on 1st of March serves as a platform to extend these conversations to the residents of Cité Internationale des Arts and the wider public.

A final restitution of the program, curated by María Inés Rodríguez, هِسْسْ, Whispers of the Storm will feature works by the In Situ 2024-2025 laureates: David Camargo & Amauta García, Constantin Jopeck, Tilhenn Klapper, Magdalena Orellana, Ai Ozaki, Ce Pams, Ella Prokkola, Hara Shin, Endi Tupja, and Amir Youssef.

More information about the In Situ program can be found from Cité’s website:


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