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Dernière mise à jour : 25 mars 2022

Here is a recap of the history of the GLOBAL UNDERSCORE SOSLTICE HISTORY

0- Year 2000

• January :

Claire followed the 3-week workshop with Nancy at Earthdance (Massachusetts, USA).

At the end of the 3 weeks, Claire, for a project that had been running through her mind for a

long time, asked Nancy for permission to use her « SCORE ».

Following many international dance and improvisation workshops at that time, and passionate

about the mysterious laws of the universe, Claire wanted to bring together dancers who had

completed a workshop with her from a distance. The goal was a practice and a physical

exploration of dance, improvisation, composition and movement, wherever they were on the


She also had a vision to be able to dance and interact through screens. This was in the early

2000s, and this kind of proposition was a novelty.

Nancy accepted, dubious and curious. Claire was touched by Nancy’s confidence.

• February :

Laura Blackburn, who also attended Nancy’s January workshop that year, arrived in Paris to

settle there.

Claire asked Laura to help her with the setting up of the project, especially with the translation

of the project into English (of which this is the mother tongue).

Also 2 intentions were in this project:

*relate to Nancy Stark Smith as a kind of « godmother »

*always decide with her on the date of the project, so that she can join in.

• March to June:

Claire and Laura worked on the design, translation and implementation of the project.

• 24/25 June 2000 :

Paris: Sunday June 25 / 2 a.m . – 6 a.m.

First event called « SCORE 2000 »

Design: Claire Filmon

Translation and implementation assistant: Laura Blackburn

Integrated Score: Nancy Stark Smith

International Coordinating Team: Claire Filmon and Laura Blackburn

Coordinators and locations (9) :

- Portland: Diana Sorus

- Seattle: Jennifer Shonk

- Chicago: Selene Carter

- Worthington: Nancy stark Smith et David Hurwith

- Bristol: Malcolm Manning

- Paris: Claire Filmon and Laura Blackburn

- Gers: Beatriz Salmeron-Martin

- Tokyo: Chico Katsube

- Wellington: Juliet Shelley

1- 2000 / 2001

• December 2000:

Laura wrotes an article for Contact Quaterly Magazine about the June 2000 event in English.

It has published in Contact Quaterly « winter/spring 2001 volume 26 number 1 » p. 62-65.

Together, Laura and Claire sent an email advising of the preparation for the June 2001 event.

• January to June:

Claire and Laura prepared the event, and gave details on the 3 different ways to participate:

1) Full Score Practice

2) Modified Score / Jam

3) Satellite

They established a visual connection, via computer screens, between groups and participants.

And this was made possible thanks to a « chatroom » (at the time, let’s remember, social

networks did not exist yet), and thanks to live video. This was done with technical assistance

in particular from Malcolm Manning.

• 23/24 June 2001

Paris: Saturday June 23 / 8 p.m. – midnight

« SCORE 2001 »

International Coordinating Team: Claire Filmon and Laura Blackburn

Coordinators and locations (12) :

- San Francisco: Shannon MacCord (satellite)

- Chicago: Selene Carter (satellite)

- Earthdance: Nancy Stark Smith, Laura Blackburn et Andy Gaines (full score practice)

- Buenos Aires: Cristina Turdos (modified score / jam) VIDEO

- Dartington College: Caroline Waters (modified score / jam) VIDEO

- Paris: Claire Filmon et Malcolm Manning (full score practice) VIDEO

- Bern: Peter Aerni et Thea Rhys (satellite)

- Göttingen: Birgitta Sivander (satellite)

- Hagen: Maxine Saborowski (satellite)

- St Petersburg: Michael Jekel (modified score / jam)

- Tokyo: Makiko Ito (modified score / jam) VIDEO

- Wellington: Juliet Shelley (modified score / jam)

2- 2001 / 2002

• End of 2001:

Writing by Laura of the second article which would be published in Contact Quaterly

« winter/spring 2020 volume 27 number 1 ».

• May 2002:

During a report with Nancy, Laura and Claire, it was decided to no longer use technical tools

(internet or other) in the room because, according to Nancy, this disrupted the practice and

did not allow a good course quality.

It’s after this decision that Claire felt she had to give up – no longer feeling really interested in

the project, as she thought the instantaneous moment with the video made particular sense.

This probably would have required more research. However, it also allowed her to

concentrate more on her own creative work.

Also, she thought that it was quite possible that Laura’s departure from Paris influenced her


• June 2002:

No Score at the time of Solstice

3- 2002 / 2003

• June 2003:

Second year without a Score project at the time of the solstice.

• Between June 2002 and May 2004:

Nancy changed the name Score to Underscore.

4- 2003 / 2004

• May 2004:

Claire invited Nancy to Poitiers at Festival à Corps and to Pantin (suburb of Paris) at the CND

(National Center for Dance).

• 16/17 June 2004

Paris: Saturday June 16 / 8 p.m. – midnight


International Coordinating: Claire Filmon

Coordinators and locations (19) :

- Toronto: Yves Candau (satellite)

- New York: Ralf Cohen (connection)

- Earthdance: Nancy stark Smith (full score practice)

- Bretagne: Claire Filmon (satellite)

- Anvers: Hillary Firestone (connection)

- Hollande: Caroline Waters (satellite)

- Bruxelles: Birgit Stellbrink (connection)

- Paris: Lorena Dozio, Françoise Ferraud, Stéphane Els (full score practice)

- Lyon: Laurence Luminet (full score practice)

- Montpellier: Mandoline Whittlesey (satellite)

- Strasbourg: Emilie Borgo (satellite)

- Frankfurt: Maxine Saborowski (full score practice)

- Bern: Peter Aerni (satellite/jam)

- Berlin: Christine Mauch (full score practice)

- Freiburg: Tanja Streizel (satellite)

- Orvieto: Laura Blackburn, Gionatan Surrenti (modified score/jam)

- Naples: Marika Rizzi (satellite)

- Cisternino: Germana et Franco (satellite)

- Chiba Cit : Hiroko Takahashi (satellite)

5- 2004 / 2005

• October to May:

Proposal for a regular practice in Paris from October 2004 to May 2005 to allow the June

practice to be a real full score practice.

Transmission by Claire Filmon et Stéphane Els.

• 11/12 June 2005 :

Paris: Saturday June 11 / 8 p.m. – midnight


International Coordinating Team: Claire Filmon, Marika Rizzi, Lorena Dozio, Olivier Zuretti,

Stéphane Els

Coordinators and locations (17) :

- Washington: Ken Manheimer (satellite)

- New York: Ralf Cohen (connection)

- Earthdance: Nancy stark Smith, Kristin Horrigan (full score practice)

- Buenos Aires: Cristina Turdo (modified score / jam)

- England: Malcolm Manning (satellite)

- Bruxelles: Birgit Stellbrink (connection)

- Paris: Claire Filmon, Marika Rizzi, Lorena Dozio, Olivier Zuretti, Stéphane Els (full

score practice)

- Rigna : Emilie Borgo (satellite)

- Bourgoin-Jallieu: Laurence Luminet (modified score / jam)

- Montpellier: Mandoline Whittlesey (connection)

- Manosque: Marion Bae (satellite)

- Bern: Tinu Hettich (modified score / jam)

- Darmstadt: Maxine Saborowski (satellite)

- Leipzig: Heike Eulenberger (modified score / jam)

- Berlin: Christine Mauch (full score practice)

- Bratislava: Hélène Monin (satellite)

- Melbourne: Ann Maree Ellis (satellite)

6- 2005 / 2006

• October to June:

Continuation of a regular practice in Paris and of a transmission by Claire Filmon et Stéphane

Els to allow the June practice to be a real full score practice.

• 24/25 June 2006 :

Paris: Sunday June 25 / 1 – 5 a.m.


International Coordinating Team: Claire Filmon, Marika Rizzi, Lorena Dozio, Olivier Zuretti,

Stéphane Els

Coordinators and locations (14):

- Los Angeles: Claire Filmon, Stephane Els, Richard Kim (modified score / jam)

- Ottawa: Sarah Gray (satellite)

- Karuna Center: Nancy stark Smith, Kristin Horrigan (full score practice)

- Nantes: Florent Cathala (modified score / jam)

- Normandie: Laurence Luminet (satellite)

- Bordeaux: Tam Antoine Nguyen Minh (modified score / jam)

- Londres: Robert Anderson, Kathy Crick (fulls score practice)

- Paris: Aline Lecler, Marika Rizzi, Olivier Zuretti (full score practice)

- Isle d’Abeau: Franck Waille (satellite)

- Verdun: Emilie Borgo (satellite)

- Berlin: Maxine Saborowski, Christine Mauch, Angela Kalis (satellite)

- Helsinki: Ronja Verkasalo (full score practice)

- Melbourne: Hellene Gronda, Joey Lehrer (full score practice)

- Sidney: Catherine Magill (full score practice)

7- 2006 - 2007

• January to June:

Continuation of a regular practice and transmission by Claire Filmon et Stéphane Els in Paris

from January to June 2007 to allow the June practice to be a real full score practice.

• May 29 to June 3:

Invitation by Claire of Nancy (with Mike) to the CND (suburb of Paris) to share in particular a

study session on the Underscore et CI with a group of dancers.

• 23/24 June 2007

Paris: Saturday June 23 / 6 – 10 p.m.


International Coordinating Team: Claire Filmon, Aine Lecler, Marika Rizzi, Olivier Zuretti

Coordinators and locations (13):

- Boulder: Joe Stoller (modified score / jam)

- Montreal: Catherine Lessard (full score practice)

- Northampton: Nancy Stark Smith, Candice Salyers (full score practice)

- Buenos Aires: Cristina Turdo (modified score / jam)

- Lasqueti Island (Canada): Gabrielle Barnett, Mark Young (satellite)

- Edimburgh: Mark Zemelman, Merav Israel (modified score / jam)

- La Rochelle: Mélanie Jolly (modified score / jam)

- Barcelone: Ester Momblant Ribas (full score practice)

- Paris: Claire FIlmon, Aline Lecler, Marika Rizzi, Olivier Zuretti (full score practice)

- Grenoble: Isabelle Uski (full score practice)

- Berlin: Maxine Saborowski (full score practice)

- Marseille: Bénédicte Augé (satellite)

- Verdun: Emilie Borgo (satellite group)

8- 2007 - 2008

• December to June:

Continuation of a regular practice and transmission by Claire Filmon, Aline Lecler et Marika

Rizzi in Paris from December 2007 to June 2008 to allow the June practice to be a real full

score practice.

• CI36 (30 years of CI):

Following the request made to Nancy by a team from Freiburg to organize the Global

Underscore Solstice (and to which she had given the authorization, without Claire’s

agreement), it is with lots of diplomacy and an intense effort that Nancy finally reversed her

decision. Paris organized the event, and this allowed the project to continue with its roots and

its initial consistency – which was important for Claire, given the history of this event.

• 14/15 June 2008

Paris: Saturday June 14 / 5 – 9 p.m.


International Coordinating Team: Claire Filmon, Aline Lecler, Marika Rizzi, Olivier Zuretti

Coordinators and locations (16):

- New York: Rafael Cohen (satellite)

- Mexico: Ana Paula Camargo (full score practice)

- Huntingdon: Nancy stark Smith, Daniela Schwartz (full score practice)

- Buenos Aires: Laura Barcelo (modified score / jam)

- Bristol: Jocasta Crofts (modified score / jam)

- Poitiers: Mélanie Jolly (modified score / jam)

- Londres: Claire Naomi (satellite underscore offset group)

- Paris: Claire Filmon, Aline Lecler, Marika Rizzi, Olivier Zuretti (full score practice)

- Paris: Elodie Escarmelle (satellite)

- Mallorca: Caroline Becker (modified score / jam)

- Grenoble: Isabelle Uski, Mandoline Whittlesey, Christelle Casse (modified score /


- Berlin: Maxine Saborowski, Tanja Striezel (modified score / jam)

- Vilnius: Tadas Leoncikas (modified score / jam)

- Steckborn (Switzerland): Sonja-Vera Schmitt (satellite jam)

- Seoul: Céline Bacque, Kim Bong Ho (modified score / jam)

- Melbourne: Josef Lehrer (full score practice)

9- 2008 - 2009

• December to June:

Continuation of a regular practice and transmission by Claire Filmon, Aline Lecler et Marika

Rizzi assisted by Olivier Zuretti in Paris to allow the June practice to be a real full score practice.

• 20/21 June 2009 :

Paris: Saturday June 14 / 4 – 8 p.m.


International Coordinating Team: Claire Filmon, Aline Lecler, Olivier Zuretti

Coordinators and locations (15) :

- Anchorage (Alaska): Gabrielle Barnett, Tamara Rothman Miller (modified score /


- Seattle: Claire Filmon, Cyrus Khambatta (modified score / jam)

- Boulder: Johanna Walker (full score practice)

- New York: Leah Nelson (full score practice)

- Plainfield, Earthdance: Spirit Joseph, Rek Kwawer (full score practice)

- Buenos Aires, El Arbol de San Isidro: Carolina Becker (modified score / jam)

- Buenos Aires, Pateral: Laura Barcelo (modified score / jam)

- Buenos Aires, IUNA, University of Arts: Cristina Turdo (modified score / jam)

- Montevideo: Ruth Ferrari (modified score / jam)

- Biscarosse: Mireille Feyzeau (modified score / jam)

- Londres: Robert Anderson (full score practice)

- Paris: Aline Lecler, Olivier Zuretti (full score practice)

- Arlequi, Banyoles: Nancy Stark Smith, Mike Vargas (full score practice)

- Die: Christelle Casse (full score practice)

- Melbourne: Ashley MacQueen (full score practice)

10- 2009 - 2010

• October to June:

Continuation of a regular practice and transmission by Claire Filmon and Aline Lecler assisted

by Michèle Tarento and Anne-Claire Lafait in Paris to allow the June practice to be a real full

score practice.

• January to June:

creation of two blogs by Jessica Rabe and Claire containing part of the archives of the history

of the event: « Underscore Solstice Paris » and « Underscore and Solstice 2000 – 2010 »

• 19/20 juin 2010 :

Paris: Saturday June 19 / 5 – 9 p.m.


International Coordinating Team: Claire Filmon, Aline Lecler, Anne-Claire Lafait

Coordinators and locations (25) :

- Boulder: Joe Stoller, Jennifer Peck (full score practice)

- Wyoming: Yeong Wen Lee (satellite)

- New York: Jesse Johnson (full score practice)

- Cayenne: Franck Waille (satellite)

- Montréal: Catherine Lessard, Benoit Aubertin (full score practice)

- Connecticut College: Kristin Horrigan, Heidi Henderson, Charlie Mosey (full score


- Buenos Aires: Laura Barcelo, Cristina Turdo (modified score / jam)

- Montevideo: Ruth Ferrari, Catalina Chouhy (modified score / jam)

- Bristol: John Koratjitis (full score practice)

- Londres: Claire Naomi (satellite groupe underscore shifted)

- Latillé: Mélanie Jolly, Amandine Roy (modified score / jam)

- Badajoz (Espagne): Elena Lopez de Hero, José Antonio Lucia (satellite)

- Ibiza: Otto Akkanene (Modified score / jam)

- Paris: Claire Filmon, Aline Lecler, Anne-Claire Lafait (full score practice)

- Mallorca: Caroline Becker (modified score / jam)

- Bruxelles: Pauline Lefebvre, Caroline Boillet, Pascale Gilles (modified score /jam)

- Marseille: Mathilde Monfreux, Sébastien Molliex, Christelle Casse (modified score /


- Freiburg: Brigitt Stellbrink (modified score / jam)

- Berlin: Maxine Saborowski (satellite)

- Ponderosa: Nancy Stark Smith, Asher Levin, Stéphanie Mahler, Uti Kaiser, Adi Brief

(full score practice)

- Perth: Anne Sorenson (full score practice)

- Seoul: Céline Bacque (modified score / jam)

- Wellington: Juliet Shelley (satellite)

- Melbourne: Ashley Macqueen (full score practice)

- Sydney: Caterina (full score practice)

11- 2010 - 2011

• October:

Last workshop in Paris confirming Claire’s intention to take a step back to refine the project.

• November 2010 / March 2011:

Discussions between Nancy and Claire, ultimately unsuccessful, to share with her Claire’s need

for a sabbatical year of reflection.

(Expressing oneself on such a hot topic in English was not easy for Claire...)

• March 2011 / June 2011:

Nancy realized her wish to continue the project despite everything.

With a team close by, she set up a « Global Underscore » project in June 2011.

It marked a breakup for Claire, as neither her need for a break on the project, nor her wish to

continue caring for an event that she had planted and nurtured, were taken into account.

Before disengaging, Claire made to Nancy 2 requests that her wishes and the origin of this

project be respected and none of them were fulfilled:

- Do not copy and paste the project but transform it to match the vision she had (and

which could no longer be Claire’s).

- Find a new name for the project since it could not be the same.

Since it was very difficult to find an agreement, Claire asked that at least the word

Solstice be removed.

This wish was respected to begin with but then the word Solstice was added again

afterwards without Claire’s consent.

• June 2011:

Following this complex and painful situation, and after an exchange with a student, Dulce

Trejo, as well as her support, Claire was able to lay the foundations for a new project.

This second project came closer to Claire’s original idea for the evolution she wanted to

implement in the initial project with the Underscore.

June 21, 2011: on the day of Solstice, Claire and Dulce started to explore the first « SOLSTICE

NOYAU » (CORE SOLSTICE), which was then proposed to the equinoxes as well. This project

still exists and has been practiced to this day, at the 2 Solstices and 2 Equinoxes by different

artists linked around the Earth Globe at the same time. It does not involve the Underscore.

This project is currently named : « Solstice/Equinoxe Noyau – Danse Improvisation et Art »

(Solstice / Equinoxe Core – Dance Improvisation and Art).


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